
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cowboys and Aliens trailer

Jon Favreau, he of Iron Man fame, is bringing us a new film come next Summer. The much-anticipated Cowboys and Aliens is an adaptation of a graphic novel, a little like Iron Man was. But perhaps the similarities stop there. Well, both Iron Man 2 and this one have Sam Rockwell in it. And there are explosions. And also some nifty gadgets.

Okay, perhaps it is more like Iron Man than I first thought.

This is the part where I link to the trailer:

Daniel Craig plays a mysterious loner who awakes with no recollection of any events past - that, and an awesome alien-tech gauntlet attached to his left wrist. And then it's revealed that Harrison Ford's character has been hunting for him.

When I'm reading a synopsis for any film, they usually have my 100% interest upon first mention of "Harrison Ford".

And who am I kidding? James Bond and Indiana Jones, as cowboys, fighting off attackers from outer space? Especially since Ford's other most famous role was that of the definitive "space cowboy".


If this trailer is anything to go by, we'd better giddy up for a good time. Harrison Ford's attempt at a cowboy drawl is hilarious, but also really cool. The whole movie looks like a ridiculously enjoyable romp. And lord knows we deserve a better sci-fi western than "Jonah Hex". Or "Wild Wild West". I'm sure that one is still giving Kenneth Branagh nightmares. And giving Will Smith nightmares. And Salma Hayek too.

If there's anything that makes riper cinematic fodder than east-meets-west, it's old-meets-new.

Or cowboys-meets-aliens.

1 comment:

  1. Brash movie I ever seen ..My friend told me that it nice movie but seriously speaking I didn't like it and I was slept in the middle of movie. Never wish to watch it again..
    new movies


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